It’s been a while since I updated my blogger workflow. The last time was back in September of 2020. It’s time for some tweaks.

The number of services I pay for has increased. Now, I’m paying for IFTTT and Buffer. IFTTT has improved its offerings this year and started to offer a paid tier. I recently added an automation where new posts from my RSS feed will get saved to a Google Sheet document. It makes it much easier to find previous post references when working on my Numeric Citizen Introspection newsletter.

Archives of references to my posts.

I’m paying for Buffer because of the added features I get in return. I get more channels and better post-management. All of my blog posts are now queued to Buffer. From there, I can choose when my blog post will be reposted. Sometimes, I may elect not to repost some of my work. Another use of Buffer is when an Apple event comes up. I will schedule tweets in advance. On the event day, I can focus on the event itself. It’s working fine for me this way.

The other addition is in fact a return of an old buddy: Reeder 5, the venerable RSS feed reader. I’m still depending on News Explorer (read my review here). I’m using Reeder 5 because of the Read Later feature, where I put all my internet articles that I want to eventually read. It works great, supports tags and runs on all Apple platforms.

Reeder 5 Read Later view.

Probably on the way out is MarsEdit. It’s not that the app is bad; quite the contrary. What I’m looking for is to consolidate my writing apps. Ulysses is rumoured to introduce support for beginning of next year. If that’s the case, I’ll drop MarsEdit.

In the next few weeks, I’m looking forward to Apple finally approving my submission of this blog for publication on Apple News. They recently updated their review process and asked all content creators to resubmit their articles and answer questionnaires. We’ll see.

Finally, I updated the general look of the diagram to make it easier on the eyes. I hope you’ll like it! Are you a blogger too or a content creator? What is your workflow?